Directions to the "Liberty Center" Field of Dreams Drive-In Theater
V602 Township Rd 6 Liberty Center, Ohio 43532 Google Map Here
Many GPS systems DO NOT have our Liberty Center location mapped correctly. Instead, use these GPS Coordinates: N 41.48144 W -83.98000
We are not far away, but not easy to find...
The Field of Dreams Drive-In - Liberty Center is located north of Liberty Center, Ohio on Henry County Road 6 between Henry County roads V and W. (Henry Co. Rd. W is the same as Fulton Co. Rd. A)
Directions from nearby locations:
Bowling Green: Take US-6 west. Turn right on OH-109 north. Go through Liberty Center. Turn right on Co.Rd. W. Turn right on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Bowling Green to the drive-in is approx. 45 minutes.)
Bryan: Go east on US-34. Take US-6 east. Take US-24 east past Napoleon. Turn left on OH-109. Go through Liberty Center. Turn right on Co.Rd. W. Turn right on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Bryan to the drive-in is approx. 50 minutes.)
Defiance: Take US-24 east past Napoleon. Turn left on OH-109. Go through Liberty Center. Turn right on Co.Rd. W. Turn right on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Defiance Mall to the drive-in is approx. 35 minutes.)
Delta: Take OH-109 south. Turn left on Fulton County Road A/Henry Co.Rd. W. Turn right on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Main Street & St. Rt. 109 to the drive-in is approx. 14 minutes)
Hamler: Take OH-109 north. Go through Liberty Center. Turn right on Co.Rd. W. Turn right on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Hamler to the drive-in is approx. 35 minutes.)
Maumee: Take US-24 west to Liberty Center/OH-109 Exit. Turn right onto OH-109. Go through Liberty Center. Turn right on Co.Rd. W. Turn right on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Conant Street & Anthony Wayne Trail in Maumee to the drive-in is approx. 40 minutes)
Napoleon: Take US-24 east to OH-109. Turn left. Go through Liberty Center. Turn right on Co.Rd. W. Turn right on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Wal-Mart in Napoleon to the drive-in is approx. 18 minutes.)
Swanton: Take Airport Hwy (OH-2) west. Turn left on Co. Rd. 3. Turn right on Co. Rd. A. Turn left on County Road 6. The drive-in is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Airport Hwy & Main St. in Swanton to the drive-in is approx. 17 minutes)
Sylvania Twp: Take Central Ave (US-20) west. Turn left on OH-295. Turn right on Airport Hwy (OH-2). Go through the town of Swanton. Turn left on Co. Rd. 3. Turn right on Co. Rd. A. Turn left on Co. Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Central Ave. & King Rd. to the drive-in is approx. 42 minutes.)
Toledo: Take Airport Highway (OH-2) past the Toledo Express Airport, then through Swanton. Turn left on Co. Rd. 3. At the 2nd stop sign, turn right (this will be Co.Rd. A). Turn left on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from I475 & Airport Hwy to the drive-in is approx. 35 minutes)
Waterville: Take OH-64 west. Take Farnsworth Road (when the road splits, go left) onto Neapolis Waterville Road. In Neapolis, turn left onto Providence-Neapolis-Swanton Road. At the stop sign, turn right and follow the road around as it curves to the left. At the first road (Mohler), turn right. The name of this road will change to Co.Rd. W once you enter Henry County. Turn left on Co.Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Anthony Wayne Trail in Waterville to the drive-in is approx. 35 minutes)
Wauseon: Take OH-108 south. Turn left on Fulton County Rd.. A. Turn right on Henry County Rd. 6. The Drive-In is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Wal Mart in Wauseon to the drive-in is approx. 20 minutes)
Whitehouse: Take OH-64 N/Waterville Swanton Road. This road becomes "Co. Rd. D" in Fulton County. Turn left on Co. Rd. 3. Turn right on Co. Rd. A. Turn left on County Road 6. The drive-in is on the left in 1/4 mile. (Travel time from Maumee St. & Swanton St. in Whitehouse to the drive-in is approx. 25 minutes)
V602 Township Rd 6
Liberty Center, Ohio 43532